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The mission  of the Big Tent  is to promote sustainable, diverse, equitable, and inclusive outdoor experiences in Washington state through advocacy and education.

#RecreateResponsibly to Protect Yourself, Others, and the Outdoors

During this public health crisis, spending time in outdoor spaces has become even more important for many Americans. Yet these unusual circumstances mean that all of us, from seasoned outdoor enthusiasts to families heading out to their local park for the first time, could use a little guidance about how to stay safe. The Recreate Responsibly guidelines offer a starting point for getting outside to keep yourself healthy and to maintain access to our parks, trails, and beaches. [ LEARN MORE ]



The Outdoors Summit

From Colorado's backyards to the backcountry

Save the Date: June 11, 2015 - Denver CO.  Sponsored by Governor Hickenlooper, the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, and Great Outdoors Colorado, The Outdoors Summit is an unprecedented gathering of national and state leaders, advocates and visionaries to launch new initiatives to protect, preserve and enhance Colorado’s great outdoors, and to close the widening gap between our youth and nature that threatens their future and the future of Colorado’s way of life and outdoor brand.

Earth Month Roundup 2015


The first Earth Day on April 22, 1970 was the catalyst that helped jumpstart the modern environmental movement, inspiring citizens around the world to demonstrate their commitment to a healthy and sustainable world. Earth Day is just one day, but there are opportunities to get involved all month long, thanks to EarthShare member charities and affiliates.  Here’s our roundup of just some of the activities you can join this April. If you don’t see an opportunity in your area, enter your zip code into our volunteer widget to search for events, or visit Idealist.org. 

Visit State Parks for a "Free Day" March 19

Washington State Parks

Washington State Parks turns 102 years old on Thursday, March 19, and visitors are invited to help celebrate by getting out to enjoy a state park for free that day.

With the 2015 spring and summer seasons just around the corner, the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission reminds the public that there are recreation opportunities available in more than 100 parks, trails and recreation sites all over the state. March 19 is the third of 12 State Parks “free days” in 2015, when visitors are not required to display the Discover Pass to visit a park.

Outdoor Activities Washington State

If you love outdoor activities, we’ve got an abundance of spaces and places where you can enjoy them.  Washington State offers rainforests and deserts, alpine meadows and wetland estuaries, and where the land is rich with natural beauty, there are ample opportunities for outdoor activities. Climb, hike, bike, boat, canoe, fish, golf and horseback ride here. Head downhill on skis, through the woods on cross-country skis or snowshoes; try water sports such as surfing, windsurfing, water skiing, scuba diving and swimming; rev up with a wheeled adventure (on and off-road, pedal-powered or motor-driven).

Washington State's Outdoor Recreation Economy Generates

View the 2020 Economic Analysis of Outdoor Recreation in Washington State for details