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The mission  of the Big Tent  is to promote sustainable, diverse, equitable, and inclusive outdoor experiences in Washington state through advocacy and education.

#RecreateResponsibly to Protect Yourself, Others, and the Outdoors

During this public health crisis, spending time in outdoor spaces has become even more important for many Americans. Yet these unusual circumstances mean that all of us, from seasoned outdoor enthusiasts to families heading out to their local park for the first time, could use a little guidance about how to stay safe. The Recreate Responsibly guidelines offer a starting point for getting outside to keep yourself healthy and to maintain access to our parks, trails, and beaches. [ LEARN MORE ]



2 Things Outdoor Research Wants the Industry To Remember As We Move The Trade Show from Utah

Outdoor Retailer

In his statement yesterday, Outdoor Retailer's Dan Nordstrom delivered yet another example of our industry leaders' reasoned and thoughtfully diplomatic approach to what has become a passion-fueled issue.

Read Dan Nordstrom’s statement: On the Outdoor Retailer Trade Show and Public Lands

Nordstrom’s statement underscored several important points that have—at times—been drowned out by the media surrounding the trade show. Here are two of the most salient:

  • “It’s time for EVERYONE involved in the outdoor movement—brands, dealers, customers, non-profits, ALL of us—to come together and become a true political force. It’s so much bigger than the trade show. With this Congress every one of the historic victories that created the legacy of public land we all love so much could be gone in a few months, taking us backward half a century.”


Situation Assessment of Recreation Access Fee Systems in Washington State

The William D. Ruckelshaus Center

Prepared for the Washington Parks and Recreation Commission, Washington Department of Natural Resources,and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife: The Ruckelshaus Center conducted the situation assessment between August 2016 and January 2017. The information collection and analysis and collaborative process will take place February through November 2017. A final report, which will include both the findings of the situation assessment, research findings, and the output of a collaborative process, will be delivered to the Washington State Legislature by December 1, 2017.  Read Full Report

Governor, Lands Commissioner, Lawmakers & Outdoor Recreation Leaders from Washington and Colorado

Big Tent Rally Day - Feb 15, 2017

(OLYMPIA) -- Governor Jay Inslee, newly elected Public Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz, leaders on Washington’s and Colorado's outdoor recreation policy, and Washington State Legislators will join over 60 organizations that have a deep passion for the outdoors in celebrating the 5th Annual Big Tent Outdoor Recreation Rally Day.  Festivities take place midday February 15th on the State Capitol grounds. 

Big Tent Outdoor Coalition Rally Day

Wednesday, February 15, 2017: Advance Registration Recommended (free entry)

Join the Big Tent Coalition on the grounds of the capitol as we bring awareness to the critical economic importance of the outdoor recreation economy in Washington State.

10:00am - Registration and Big Tent Displays Open
11:00am-1:00pm - Legislative & Industry Presenters
(Hear from those shaping the future of the Washington State Outdoor Recreation Industry.)
2:00pm - Big Tent Closes

Lunch and refreshments will be served throughout the event. Grab a cup of Ivar's Chowder, coffee. snacks or hot chocolate and explore the displays of over 30 outdoor recreation organizations. This event is FREE and open to industry partners and the public. Please register so that you have a pre-printed name badge and quick access to the event and to join the Big Tent information list to receive updates and news from our coalition.  

Register Here

Statewide Tourism Marketing Program Ready for Legislators

The Suburban Times

Washington would no longer be the only state in the nation without a statewide tourism marketing program under legislation introduced in both the state House and Senate this week.  The legislation would create an industry-led Tourism Marketing Authority and provide performance-based industry funding mechanisms without additional taxes.  Both HB1123 and SB 5251 (the same legislation but entered in both the Senate and House) have bipartisan support from legislators representing urban and rural districts throughout the state.

Washington State's Outdoor Recreation Economy Generates

View the 2020 Economic Analysis of Outdoor Recreation in Washington State for details