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The mission  of the Big Tent  is to promote sustainable, diverse, equitable, and inclusive outdoor experiences in Washington state through advocacy and education.

#RecreateResponsibly to Protect Yourself, Others, and the Outdoors

During this public health crisis, spending time in outdoor spaces has become even more important for many Americans. Yet these unusual circumstances mean that all of us, from seasoned outdoor enthusiasts to families heading out to their local park for the first time, could use a little guidance about how to stay safe. The Recreate Responsibly guidelines offer a starting point for getting outside to keep yourself healthy and to maintain access to our parks, trails, and beaches. [ LEARN MORE ]



REI Shocks Retail World By Closing For Black Friday, Paying 12,000 Employees to 'Opt Outside'


REI, the Seattle-based outdoor recreation and sporting goods giant, announced today that it is going to close for Black Friday (you read that right) and pay its 12,000 employees to go out and play.  REI is also encouraging other companies to join them in what they describe as a stand against the commercial madness that’s characterized the day after Thanksgiving for at least a decade and a half.

Next Big Tent Coalition Meeting

Thursday November 12, 2015

The next meeting of the Big Tent Outdoor Recreation Coalition is scheduled for Thursday November 12, 2015, from 10am - 12noon at the Nature Conservancy in Seattle. Agenda highlights include formation of our advocacy committee, membership related policies and 2016 budget. For more information contact info@bigtentcoalition.info.

Washington State Divers Get Weighed and Measured

The Scuba Alliance

All Washington State divers and dive shop owners are being offered an opportunity to participate in an economic impact study to determine how much scuba diving contributes to the economy in Washington State. Sponsored by the SeaDoc Society, Washington Scuba Alliance (WSA) and the Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF), will help determine the financial impact of diving and inform policy makers in the state when possibly deciding future expenditures. According to SeaDoc executive director Joe Gaydos, the purpose of the survey is to gather data to better understand the model inside the scuba diving industry in Washington State and how it fits into the overall outdoor market. “Here is a major industry in Washington State and British Columbia we do not have any data on. We were interested in seeing how diving compares with fishing, for example,” says Gaydos.

Policy Advisor - Outdoor Recreation & Economic Development

Job Announcement: Office of the Governor

This position will focus on economic development issues relating to outdoor recreation which includes performing policy planning, analysis, development, and implementation consistent with the Governor’s priorities. The success of this position will be based on measurable results relating to economic development strategies for increasing the number of new jobs and economic activity related to outdoor recreation. A secondary measure will be increased participation by citizens and visitors in outdoor recreation as well as increases in outdoor recreation opportunities. This position is responsible for working with outdoor recreation related businesses, the recreation industry, state and federal agencies, stakeholders, tribes, legislators and constituents to better understand the political landscape and provide informed counsel to the Governor.  Closes October 31, 2015

Study Confirms State Parks Provide Significant Economic and Ecosystem Benefits

Washington State Parks

A study initiated by the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission has confirmed that state parks remain a significant economic driver in Washington, with a total estimated contribution of $1.4 billion a year. According to the study, “Economic Analysis of Outdoor Recreation at Washington State Parks,” by Earth Economics of Tacoma, travel and consumer spending associated with state park visits generated an estimated $64 million in tax receipts to the state’s General Fund during the 2013-15 study period. During the study period, the park system generated six times the tax receipts State Parks was allocated in its budget to operate the system. 

The 7 Wonders of Oregon


There are 7 Wonders of the World, and not a single one of them is here in Oregon. All we can figure is whoever came up with the list must have never set foot here. They must have never seen Mt. Hood or the grandeur of the Columbia River Gorge. They certainly didn’t explore the Oregon Coast. The exposed earth of the Painted Hills, Smith Rock’s towers of volcanic ash and the alpine peaks of the Wallowas were overlooked as well. Even Crater Lake, the deepest lake in America, was left off their list.So we see your Wonders, world. And raise you 7 of our own.

And we invite you to not just see them, but experience them. Because our Wonders aren’t just for taking pictures of – to truly say you’ve seen our Wonders, you have to get out of the car, hike down from the scenic vista and feel them beneath your feet.  Just remember: This is Oregon. So how you go about doing that is entirely up to you.

Time for Your Thoughts

Recreation & Conservation Office

Please take a short survey by Oct. 2 to share your insights about the WWRP.   Survey Link

State officials and legislators are looking for your thoughts about if and how to revise the 25-year-old Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP), which is the state’s grant program for wildlife conservation lands, state and local parks, trails, natural areas, and working farms and ranches.

The Legislature created the WWRP in 1990 to give the state a way to invest in valuable outdoor recreation areas and wildlife habitat conservation lands. They wanted to protect critical habitat and make sure our kids, grandkids, and future generations had places to recreate, and they wanted to do it before the land was developed. In its 25-year history, the grant program has funded projects in nearly every county of the state. As state officials review the program, they are looking to see if the program is accomplishing what it set out to and what might need to change going forward. So now’s the time to give them your thoughts.

Washington State's Outdoor Recreation Economy Generates

View the 2020 Economic Analysis of Outdoor Recreation in Washington State for details