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The mission  of the Big Tent  is to promote sustainable, diverse, equitable, and inclusive outdoor experiences in Washington state through advocacy and education.

#RecreateResponsibly to Protect Yourself, Others, and the Outdoors

During this public health crisis, spending time in outdoor spaces has become even more important for many Americans. Yet these unusual circumstances mean that all of us, from seasoned outdoor enthusiasts to families heading out to their local park for the first time, could use a little guidance about how to stay safe. The Recreate Responsibly guidelines offer a starting point for getting outside to keep yourself healthy and to maintain access to our parks, trails, and beaches. [ LEARN MORE ]



Washington Legislative Sportsmen's Fish-In & Annual Shootout at Littlerock Events

Monday, February 15, & Tuesday February 23, 2016

The truth is we had decided to do a fish-in instead of a shootout this year. We thought it might be easier during the short 60 day session. The shootout was so popular among legislators and staff that we had to add it back in so now we are doing both! 

Today, Monday, is President Day and kids are out of school and many come to the Olympia campus. Have we got a treat for them! Troutlodge is bringing a portable pool and 400 fish. Plenty of rods and wonderful volunteers will be helping.

Your State Parks

Washington State Park Foundation

Because of your support, the Washington State Parks Foundation is able to share your love for parks in countless ways. See our two minute video that shows some of the ways and how to get involved, from Executive Director John Floberg.

Governor, Former Sounders Keeper, Mountaineering Legend, Lawmakers Highlight “Big Tent” Rally Day to Showcase Economic Power of Outdoor Recreation

Big Tent Rally Day - Wednesday, February 3, 10am - 2pm

OLYMPIA – Governor Jay Inslee, mountaineering legend Jim Whittaker, former Seattle Sounders goalkeeper Marcus Hahnemann, and State Senators Andy Hill (R-Redmond) and Kevin Ranker (D-Orcas Island) along with State Representative Tana Senn (D-Mercer Island) will headline a rally of outdoor recreation businesses, vendors, non-profit groups, and local and state agencies on Wednesday, Feb. 3.  The rally will spotlight Washington’s outdoor recreation sector that generates $22 billion  in revenue and nearly 200,000 direct jobs throughout urban and rural Washington.

Are You In? R.S.V.P. Today for Rally Day!

Big Tent Outdoor Recreation Coalition Rally Day - February 3, 2016

Participate in raising the profile of the critical economic importance of the outdoor recreation economy in Washington State.  RSVP to enter the Big Tent where Governor Inslee, Jon Snyder and outdoor recreation industry leaders, legislators, outdoor enthusiasts and specialty retailers will gather just steps from the Legislature. Learn how to easy it is to participate!

Jon Snyder Selected as First Outdoor Recreation Economic Policy Advisor to the Governor

Washington's First Outdoor Recreation Economic Policy Advisor

Jon Snyder joined Governor Inslee's policy office on January 1, 2016 as the first ever person to hold this position in Washington State. He brings passion for the outdoors and almost a decade of experience as the owner and publisher of Out There Monthly magazine, an award-winning guide to outdoor recreation in the Inland Northwest. He's been an elected official in Spokane, and understands setting priorities and working together to achieve them. Jon's lived and worked on both sides of the state and will bring valuable perspective to the office.

Doug Walker, Killed in Apparent Avalanche, Used Tech Wealth to Spread Love for the Outdoors

The Seattle Times

In honor of Doug Walker, an avid outdoorsman who co-chaired the Governor’s Task Force on Outdoor Recreation in 2014 – a Task Force the Big Tent played a key role in establishing.”  The beloved software entrepreneur, philanthropist and outdoorsman was found dead Friday morning on Granite Mountain after an all-night search.

Congress Restores Money for Recreational Real Estate with Land and Water Conservation Fund allocation

Peninsula Daily News

The federal Land and Water Conservation Fund was reauthorized in legislation passed Friday and signed into law by President Barack Obama. The funding will extend through September 2018, including a one-year increase of nearly 50%.  Seattle PI


Washington State's Outdoor Recreation Economy Generates

View the 2020 Economic Analysis of Outdoor Recreation in Washington State for details