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The mission  of the Big Tent  is to promote sustainable, diverse, equitable, and inclusive outdoor experiences in Washington state through advocacy and education.

#RecreateResponsibly to Protect Yourself, Others, and the Outdoors

During this public health crisis, spending time in outdoor spaces has become even more important for many Americans. Yet these unusual circumstances mean that all of us, from seasoned outdoor enthusiasts to families heading out to their local park for the first time, could use a little guidance about how to stay safe. The Recreate Responsibly guidelines offer a starting point for getting outside to keep yourself healthy and to maintain access to our parks, trails, and beaches. [ LEARN MORE ]



Innovation in the Windy City

NRPA - Samantha Bartram

In today’s political and economic climate, creative tactics for retaining funding and growing revenue are essential items in the park and recreation professional’s toolbox. Comprehensively measuring and leveraging the economic impact of our facilities and programming goes beyond tallying the amount of taxes and fees collected in a given year — we must also consider how parks and recreation impacts the surrounding economy. 

A Rising Tide for Outdoor Recreation

By Avery Stonich

When word got out that Luis Benitez, the new director of Colorado’s Outdoor Recreation Industry Office, was coming to Angler’s Covey in Colorado Springs, people came out of the woodwork. More than 40 outdoor industry representatives packed the fly-fishing shop on August 12 to discuss issues facing outdoor recreation businesses in Colorado. The atmosphere in the room was electric—and hopeful.

“Because of him coming here, there was a lot of energy,” says David Leinweber, owner of Angler’s Covey, which has been operating in Colorado Springs since 1996. “He’s helping rally the troops.”

Administration Launches Every Kid in a Park Pass

Fourth Graders Can Now Obtain Pass that Grants Free Access to Federal Lands and Waters Nationwide for them and their Family

WASHINGTON – As part of President Obama’s commitment to protect our nation’s unique outdoor spaces and ensure that every American has the opportunity to visit and enjoy them, the Obama Administration today formally launched the new Every Kid in a Park program.

The Clock is Ticking for LWCF

Advocacy Resources for You

The federal Land and Water Conservation Fund is a critical source of funding for recreation-focused projects across the country, which will expire next month without congressional action. It is very important that Big Tent members are active as part of this reauthorization push—please contact Vlad Gutman, Senior Policy Director, WWRC, if you would be willing to join the effort through occasional activities like letters to the editor, tweeting, outreach to congressional offices.

State Parks Budget Update

2015-2017 Spending Plan Details

With the end of the 2015 session - finally! – occurring the second week in July, State Parks leadership has had to scramble quickly to fully understand the financial resources available to us and come up with a program and spending plan for the 2015-17 biennium. The good news is that the Governor and Legislature - and park visitors through the fees they pay and the donations they generously give to State Parks - have provided resources that allow the agency to make some modest but significant investments to basic park operations.  Below you will see an email message from Director Hoch to Parks staff which is designed to provide a clear overview of extent and direction that those additional resources are to be used.

Wildlife and Recreation Program: Restored and Funded!

WWRP Blog - July 9

You made your voices heard, telling your elected officials that protecting our great outdoors matters to Washingtonians, and Olympia listened. Thanks to all of your hard work, last week the legislature passed a budget that restored WWRP and funded valuable conservation projects across our state that support recreation in our urban spaces and our great outdoors.  We are thrilled to be able to share that the budget passed last week by our state legislature and signed by the Governor restored the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP) and invested $55 million in the grant program. The Coalition is grateful for this bipartisan compromise which saved WWRP and ensured that our state continues to invest in our great outdoors.

Washington Senator Kevin Ranker: The Way I See It

Outdoor Industry Association, By Grant Davis

Kevin Ranker, D-Orcas Island, has represented the San Juan Islands district in the Washington State Senate since 2008. This year, along with Senator Linda Evans Parlette, R-Wenatchee, he introduced and played a key role in helping to pass Senate Bill 5843, a rare bi-partisan law establishing a senior policy advisor in the governor’s office who will focus on outdoor recreation and the promotion of outdoor recreation throughout the state. In addition, the law provides funding for the state’s “No Child Left Inside” (NCFI) initiative, and it gives veterans priority when it comes to jobs created by the NCFI program.
We caught the self-described waterman in Puget Sound during a break from Washington’s current budget battle to get his take on the outdoors and what they mean to his state and his own life (At press time, the current legislative session was heading into it’s fourth additional month).

Washington State's Outdoor Recreation Economy Generates

View the 2020 Economic Analysis of Outdoor Recreation in Washington State for details